If you want to build an inexpensive shelter for your cars, a carport is a great alternative. It costs a great deal less than a garage. However, building a carport is more than just setting up a kit. The following are a few issues you need to consider before you build a carport on your property.

Whether you want to park your speedboat or protect vehicles, a carport can be the ticket.  Although it is not as functional as a garage, it does a decent job of protecting cars or anything else that you want to shield from the weather.

Several homeowners use carports as covered patios. You can have a look at dozens of different building options and styles from carport manufacturers. You need to decide few things before you buy a house  DIY carport kit or hire a contractor.

Considerations before building carports in Brisbane

If you want to build anything on your property you will have to get a permit. Remember the carport can only be enclosed on two sides. If you build a third side, it would become a garage and would be subject to different building codes.

You will have to get permission from the local building authority. You need to submit the design plans of the carport. You cannot construct a carport in any easement on the property within the few feet of the property lines. Several communities have covenants which do not allow carports in front yards at all.

If you live in a neighborhood governed by the homeowners association, you will need to get permission from them as well.  These regulations might specify particular building materials, the size limit and where you can set up the carport.

Tips for building a carport

Carports are constructed from either metal or wood. There are kits available in the market from do-it-yourself stores.  These can vary in quality and price. While some cost  just a few hundred dollars, others can top up at more than  $10,000. Professional installation can increase the cost of the project. However, if you are unsure about how to assemble a complicated carport, it is best to hire a professional.

Some people prefer going for a custom designed carport, especially if they want it to match their house.  You can choose to set a gravel base or concrete pad under the carport, but it will add up to the total cost of the project.

Call the local utility companies to mark the location of the utility lines before you start digging holes for carport posts. It is better than hitting a utility line and being stuck with an enormous repair bill.  Notify the local utility companies to come and check the location of the lines and mark them so that you know where it is safe to dig.

Although carports do not require foundations but have to be stable enough to keep from blowing over at the first sign of a breeze. The best method is to secure the support post at least two feet deep in poured concrete.

Always consider the architectural details of your home before building a carport on it. The best method is to create a design which makes it seem as the carport was part of your home’s original plan. For this, you need the technical expertise of custom Brisbane’s carports builder.


Things to keep in mind when designing a carport

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